January 2024 Renaissance AMonthly Islamic Journal Pakistan LEAP OUT FOR OTHERS QUR’ANIC EXEGESIS HADITH In these verses of Surah Mu'minun (51-67), it is explained that God gave the same religion to all the messengers but their nations split it up. Now each of them is engrossed with what it has and is not willing to hear anything against it. After that, Muḥammad (sws) is assured and asked to give some more respite to his people; they are very happy at their worldly achievements and think that they have gained a lot. We are often occupied with our own selves. Our desires, our fears, our ideals, our worries, our comforts, our families …. and the list goes on and on. Though it is certainly not wrong to think about our own selves, what can really be painful is to not look beyond us. It is outright self-centeredness and a cause of serious concern if we are not even able to detect the pangs of pain around us......p.5 The narrative from Ibn ‘Abbās who reported from the Prophet (sws) that he said: "‘Alī is the sack of my knowledge" is discussed and shown that its ascription to the Prophet (sws) is dubious. A Foundation for Islamic Research and Eduction