Qur’ ā nic Exegesis 16 | Monthly Renaissance May 2023 redundant here but occurs to emphasize the verb in accordance with common linguistic principles of classical Arabic. This style is found in Urdu as well. !L !وﻵﻹﺑﺮ  ۡۡﻗﺎلﻳﺒﻨﺆمﻵﻹﺗﺎﺧﺬﺑﻠﺤﻴ $ )ۡ $ $ ) ) $ $ $ $ $ )ۡ )ۡ & $ۡ $ $ ' &ۡ > ﺑ"! آءﻳﻞ Z[ ﻗﺖﺑ x ﻘﻮل ” ﺧﺸﻴﺖ ن DE $ۡ $ $ ) ) ) $ۡۡۤۡ ) $ &ۡ $ۡ $ $ ' $ $ $ۡۡ & $ )ۡ ) ' و $ ﴿Dw ۡﻟﻢﺗﺮﻗﺐﻗﻮ )ۡ $ۡ &ۡ $ۡ $ ٩٤﴾ 12 The reaction of Moses (sws) depicted in this verse shows both his affiliation and sense of honour for the truth and his natural love for his brother. In fact, this love entailed that when he realized that Aaron (sws) was guilty of a weakness in the matter of religion, he be overwhelmed with emotions and fervently admonish him. The attitude of the prophets of God is that in worldly affairs they do show tolerance; however, in religious affairs, they do not compromise in any way. In this regard, the closer a person is to them, the more sensitive they are for him. People who are given to the pleasures of this world behave entirely differently: they are very cautious and clever in worldly affairs and even call their fathers and sons to account; however, in religious affairs, they do not have any sensitivity; whatever, their close ones do does not effect their sense of honour. Aaron (sws) expressed his excuse in a very nice way. It has been explained in S ū rah al-A‘r ā f that he tried his best to stop people from that trial. However, a vast majority was led astray by the spell weaved by S ā mir ī . Such was its extent that Aaron (sws) feared for his life if he persisted in correcting them. Then only two options remained: either Aaron (sws) could separate himself with his followers from the others or wait for some days for Moses’ (sws) return. The first option would have resulted in divisions among people and bloodshed. In the second option, it could have been expected that Moses (sws) would set right the affairs because of the awe and respect he commanded and because of his acumen. For this reason, Aaron (sws) did not adopt the first option because it would have created disorder rather than any improvement in the state of affairs and he wanted to save his nation from disorder and bloodshed as much as possible. In the second option, there was a 12. He replied: “O the one given birth to by my mother! Grasp not my beard nor my head. I feared that you would but say: ‘You have created a rift among the Israelites and did not give regard to what I said.’”