Qur’ ā nic Exegesis 20 | Monthly Renaissance May 2023 dissolved the ashes in water and made the people drink it. This shows that the narrators of the Torah do not even have the knack of fabricating something. How could Moses (sws) have asked people to drink this “elixir of life”? If this account is regarded to be true, then perhaps it is the consequence of this drink that in spite of being recipients of a divine book, these people became prone to polytheism. Such is its effect that it has become a permanent feature of their lives. ﻧﻤﺎ ﻟـﻬﻜﻢ ﷲ¡ ﻟﺬيﻵﻹ ﻟﻪ ﻵﻹﻫﻮ $ & $ ' ) ) ) ) $ &ٰ &ٰۤ $ۡ ) $ 'ٰ $ ' & &ۤ $ ' ‘ !ءﻋﻠﻤﺎ﴿ £ ﻞ 2 ًۡ وﺳﻊ & )ٍۡ $ $ ' $ ) $ ٩٨﴾ 16 The verse implies that those who regarded the calf to be their deity were doomed. People should remember that only God is the one they must worship. The words “His knowledge embraces everything” form an argument in favour of monotheism. When this is the case, why should anyone other than Him be made a deity? When He hears and knows everything, He alone is sufficient. What then is the need for anyone else? Section III: Verses (99-135) The account of Moses (sws) ended on the previous verse. In these succeeding verses, the same topic is taken up as was discussed in the introductory part of the s ū rah in a new style and with new arguments. Prophet Mu ḥ ammad (sws) is addressed and told that the anecdote just narrated to him is not merely a tale of the past; he and his followers are going through similar circumstances. Those who are trying to evade him and lead others away from him will not only bear their own burden of sins on the Day of Judgement but also of those who were led astray by them. That day will be very harsh. None will have a say in it. Everyone will appear before God and before Him no one will be able to intercede for anyone unless He allows. The reminder which has been revealed to the Prophet (sws) warns people of all dangers; he should recite it to people. Those who have the urge will benefit from it and he who evades it should be left alone by him. He is not responsible for such people. Moreover, he should 16. “‘Only God is your deity; there is no other deity except Him. His knowledge embraces everything.’”