Qur’ ā nic Exegesis 23 | Monthly Renaissance May 2023 eyes turning blue out of fear. They will be secretly saying to one another: “You must have hardly stayed for ten days.” We very well know what they will say when the most clever among them will say: “At most, you have must have stayed for a day.” (99- 104) And they ask you about the mountains. Say: My Lord will scatter them away in the form of dust and level the earth flat. You will neither see any bend in it nor a high place. On that Day, everyone will follow the one who calls out. They shall dare not the slightest deviate from him and all voices shall be lowered before the Most Merciful God. You will only be able to hear hushed whispers. On that Day, intercession will be of no avail except if the Merciful allows someone and approves of him to say something. He knows all that is in front of them and behind them, and their knowledge cannot grasp Him. Everyone’s faces will be bent down before the Ever-Living and Ever-Sustaining God. And he who is guilty of any form of polytheism will face humiliation. And he who does righteous deeds and he is also a believer shall neither fear any injustice nor oppression. (105- 112) And in this way We have revealed it in the form of an Arabic Qur’ ā n and have mentioned My warning in it in various ways so that these people remain secure from God’s wrath or it may produce some insight in them. So, exalted is God, the real king. Thus you should not show haste in acquiring the Qur’ ā n before its revelation is complete and keep praying: My Lord! Increase my knowledge further. (113-114) And before this, We had imposed the obligation of a promise on Adam, but he forgot. And We did not find him strong-willed. And when We asked the angels: “prostrate before Adam,” they prostrated except Ibl ī s. He refused to do so. At this, We said: “Adam! He is an enemy to you and to your wife. So, he should not succeed in expelling you and your wife from this orchard so that you end up deprived. Here you have the comfort of not being hungry nor will you need any clothes; neither will thirst bother you nor will you feel the sun.” But Satan tempted him. He said: “Adam! Should I inform you of a tree which has eternal life and of a kingdom which shall never perish?” So, both ate that tree’s fruit. At this, their hidden parts became evident to them and they began covering themselves with the leaves of that