Ḥ ad ī th Studies 30 | Monthly Renaissance May 2023 Regarding ‘ Ī s ā ibn Saw ā dah ibn al-Ja‘d, Ibn Ab ī Ḥā tim says that he is munkar al- ḥ ad ī th ḍ a‘ ī f ; while referring to the narrative under discussion, he says that it is munkar . 2 Ibn Ma‘ ī n says that he is a liar. 3 Al-Bayhaq ī says that he is majh ū l . 4 ___________ 2. Ibn Ab ī Ḥā tim, Al-Jar ḥ wa al-ta‘d ī l , vol. 6, 277. 3. Al-Dhahab ī , M ī z ā n , vol. 5, 377. 4. Al-Bayhaq ī , Al-Sunan al-kubr ā , vol. 4, 331, (no. 8429).