Qur’ ā nic Exegesis 8 | Monthly Renaissance May 2023 Details of the way the Israelites behaved with this favour are discussed ahead. The words ﻟﻤﻦ $ ' $ۡ and ٰۡﻟﺴﻠﻮي $ ' have been explained under verse 57 of S ū rah al-Baqarah together with how the Israelites treated those favours. The words “eat of the pure things given by Us and do not be rebellious after receiving this favour” mention the obligation they owe for these favours. The Israelites were reminded of these favours by their very existence and also through prophets of God. The Torah contains references to these. The last part cautions them that this abundance of favours should not make them arrogant and rebellious; these traits are the hallmark of the Pharaoh whose fate they have just witnessed. It is further stated that such rebelliousness invites God’s wrath and he who becomes its target is destroyed: from a state of honour he descends into humiliation. They have seen with their very eyes the fate of the one who claimed to be god. The last verse mentions the path of deliverance for those have the determination to follow these directives. ﴿!L ٰۡۡ وﻣﺎ ﻋﺠﻠﻚﻋﻦﻗﻮﻣﻚﻳﻤﻮ &ٰۡ $ $ $ ) $ $ۡ $ $ $ۤ $ ٨٣﴾ ﴿!OPQ) ﺛﺮيوﻋﺠﻠﺖ ﻟﻴﻚربﻟ DS ٰۡﻗﺎلﻫﻢ وﻵﻼءﻋ ' & $ ) ) ) $ $ $ۡ $ ) )ۡ $ $ۡ $ $ۡ V $ $ & & $ ٨٤﴾ 2 The preposition ْﻋﻦ $ after ﻋﺠﻠﻚ $ $ $ $ۡ indicates a verb be considered to be present that collocates with the expression: ﻋﺠﻠ $ $ۡ $ ۡﻚﻋﻦ $ $ . This style has been explained at a number of instances in the Qur’ ā n that in such cases a ta ḍ m ī n exists in which the suppressed verb collocates with the preposition. The translation keeps this aspect in consideration. These verses relate to the instance when the Almighty asked Moses (sws) to come to the same place as when he was blessed with prophethood so that the Torah could then be given to him. God fixed a time period of thirty days for this. However, in his zeal to meet Him, Moses (sws) assigned Aaron (sws) to look after the nation and reached the place before time. The Torah mentions this but does not state any time period or the hastiness shown by him: 2. And what made you leave your people and come over early, O Moses? He replied: “These people are also right behind me and Lord! I have come early to earn your pleasure.”